Thursday 17 July 2014

CHQ WRITES TO DIRECTORATE regarding Transfer and placement committees at Regions

CHQ WRITES TO DIRECTORATE regarding Transfer and placement committees at Regions

CHQ: Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 2151/1, New Patel Road, New Delhi - 110008

Ref: P/4-1/Transfers                                                        Dated – 11.07.2014


The Secretary
Department of Post
Dak Bhawan, New Delhi – 110001


Sub: -  Transfer and placement committees for recommending transfers/Postings in DOP Non adoption of uniform procedure at Regional levels.

Ref: -   Directorate Memo No. 4-09/2011-SPG (Pt) dated 10.01.2014

A kind reference is invited on the above letter.

The transfer and placement Committees’ are prescribed vide above cited letter at Directorate, Circle and Regional levels to recommend the transfers/Postings of the officers/Officials needed to be approved by the concerned heads.

The role of such committee constituted at Regional levels is to recommend the transfer/Postings of the officers/officials which are required to be approved by the PMG including the proposals-received from divisions under the Region.

In para 3 of the above reference, it is stipulated “from now onwards transfer/Postings of all Group A, B & C staff in the Department of Posts will be done by the competent authority after considering the recommendations of the Transfer and Placement committees”.

Nowa days, in the wake of  Directorate’s above instructions many Regional offices are insisting to get recommendations of the Committee constituted at Regional level for all the transfers issued by the divisional head who is competent to order such transfer. In this process, there are some questions naturally arises.

1.      As there is no transfer/Postings Committee at Divisional level is prescribed, can the regional level committee consisting higher officers recommend the divisional head who is competent to grant transfer for Group ‘C’ staff.
2.      Being a competent authority, can the divisional head decide otherwise and how far it is possible.
3.      As the Group ‘C’ category is included, does it mean even a transfer for MTS/Postman is to be ordered by a sub-divisional head is liable for regional level committee’s recommendation.
Apart from above, if in any region, may be the post of Director either not in existence or vacant, then the transfer/posting committee by whom it heads.

It is requested to clear out the ambiguity prevailing in the regional/divisional level in respect of the role of the Transfer/Placement Committees of  regions in the matter of transfers of Group ‘C’ pertaining to divisions & sub divisions by issuing clarificatory instructions early.