Dear respected ,
Regional secretaries, divisional secretaries and all comrades of NFPE, don't faith on rumours and intensify our strike campaign. It is requested to constitute divisional/ regional JCA with FNPO as Maharashtra Circle JCA is already formed on Friday. Also regional secretaries may attend the divisions in their respective strike tours. If any divisions or comrades will have any problem, contact to Maharashtra Circle JCA members. All regional/divisional secretaries should have to contact their nearest RMS office for strike posters as it will be despatched through concerned RMS sections. Everyone desist our members about the posting of any news related with 7th CPC. on what's up and refer only JCA for authorised news. Arrange gate meetings and give awareness about our legitimate demands in our members, staff as well as member of public. Work hard and make the 11th July strike big victory. Lal salami.
With revolutionary Greetings,
Com. Surendra Palav, Circle Secretary NFPE Gr'C' and RCM,
Staff Side Secretary,
Maharashtra Circle.