Saturday, 25 January 2014

Tuesday, 21 January 2014


No. NFPE/Strike/2014                                                                                Dated – 15.01.2014


Dear Comrades,

As you are aware, the extended National Executive of the Confederation held at New Delhi on 10.01.2014 has decided to organize 48 hours (2 days) Nationwide strike of Central Government Employees on 12th and 13th of February 2014. Strike Notice will be served to Cabinet Secretary, Government of India by Confederation and to Secretary, Department of Posts by NFPE and all its affiliated unions on 21.01.2014.

Main Demands of the two days strike are
1.     DA Merger
2.     Interim Relief
3.     Inclusion of GDS in 7th CPC
4.     Date of effect of 7th CPC 01.01.2014
5.     Regularisation and Revision of wages of Casual laburers.
6.     Rescind the PFRDA Act and scrap New Pension Scheme
7.     Settlment of anomalies etc. etc.
Please see full details of the 15 charter of demands published in website.

Following instructions should be strictly implemented in all Circles/Divisions without fail.
1.      Start campaign programme immediately. Issue circulars, notices and posters, conduct Divisional level Conventions/Meetings, Organise squad work to meet employees of all offices including GDS, Print 15 Charter of Demands in local languages and circulate among all employees including GDS.
2.      Circle Secretaries and all Circle Union office bearers should undertake campaign meetings at all important centers. Involvement of every Circle/Divisional Union office bearer in the campaign programme should be ensured.
3.      Campaign/Tour Programme of All India office bearers is enclosed herewith. Please contact the leaders over phone and arrange meetings not later than 7th February 2014.
4.      Draft Copy of the strike notice will be exhibited in the website. All Circles/Divisions should serve strike notice to their circle/Divisional Heads on 21.01.2014 with mass demonstration.
5.      Please see the website daily. There is no time for issuing instructions through circulars or over phone. All instructions and developments will be placed in the website.

Comradely yours,
(M. Krishnan)                                                                                      (M. Krishnan)
Secretary General                                                                               General Secretary
NFPE                                                                                                    AIPEU Group ‘C’


Sunday, 19 January 2014

                           MAHARASHTRA CIRCLE
(Reg. No. 3525 dated 4.9.1986)
      Ambika Bhavan, 206 J.S.S.Road, Girgaon, Mumbai-400004.
President                                         Fin. Secretary                                 Circle Secretary:
Jagdish H. Pawar                          Suresh Savant                               Mangesh V Parab
Malegaon HO                                 Stock Exchange P.O                       Mumbai GPO-400001
Malegaon –423203                         Mumbai-400001                             Tel. (Off) -22626100
Mobile-9822262365                       Mob- 9867727983                          Mobile-9869476944              
No.P-III/Circle Conf/36/14/2014                                                                  20th Jan 2014

The Chief Postmaster General
Maharshtra Circle,
Mumbai – 400 001.

                  Sub:        List of Circle Office Bearers elected in the 36th Biennial Circle Conference held at Malegaon.
                  The 36th Biennial Circle Conference of this Union was held from 11.1.2014 to 13.1.2014 at Malegaon. A copy of Annual Report as well as Statement of Accounts passed in the said Conference is enclosed for your information.
                  The following Circle Office Bearers have been elected enonimously in the said Conference.

1.         President                                 -           Shri Jagdish H. Pawar (Malegaon Dn.)
2.         Vice-President                                     Shri P.K. Kharat (Mumbai City North-East Dn.)
                                                                        Shri S.V. Magdum (Kolhapur Dn.)
                                                                        Shri A.S. Girnale (Amravati Dn.)
3.         Circle Secretary                       -           Shri Mangesh V. Parab (Mumbai G.P.O.)
4.         Asstt. Circle Secretary            -            Shri A.P. Waggawad (Nanded Dn.)
                                                            Shri Surendra S. Palav (Mumbai City East Dn.)
                                                            Shri D.K. Dhumal (Pune East Dn.)
                                                            Shri Shankar Sawant (Goa Dn.)
                                                            Shri S.S. Sathe (Nagpur City Dn.)
5.         Finance Secretary                    -           Shri Suresh J. Savant (Mumbai City South Dn.)
6.         Asstt. Finance Secretary         -            Shri Manoj Jamadade (Mumbai City North Dn.)
7.         Organising Secretary               -           Shri V.P. Ayare (Mumbai City North-West Dn.)
                                                                        Shri G.R. Khedekar (Mumbai City West Dn.)
                                                                        Shri Mohan Vibhute (Satara Dn.)
                  You are therefore requested to kindly circulate the list of Office Bearers for the information of all Post Offices in Maharashtra & Goa Circle. You are also requested to kindly grant all Trade Union facilities to above set of office bearers.

                  Your co-operation is highly appreciated.
                  Thanking you,
                                                                                                                        Yours faithfully,

                                                                                                                    (Mangesh V. Parab)
                                                                                                                        Circle Secretary


                                MAHARASHTRA CIRCLE
(Reg. No. 3525 dated 4.9.1986)
      Ambika Bhavan, 206 J.S.S.Road, Girgaon, Mumbai-400004.
President                                        Fin. Secretary                                   Circle Secretary:
R T Bhoyar                                   Suresh Savant                                 Mangesh V Parab
Chandrapur HO                             Stock Exchange P.O                         Mumbai GPO-400001
Chandrapur-442401                      Mumbai-400001                               Tel. (Off) -22626100
Mobile-9881345750                     Mob- 9867727983                             Mobile-9869476944             

No.P-III/Agitaion/2013                                                                                    20th Jan 2014

Col. K C Mishra (VSM)
Chief Postmaster General
Maharashtra Cirlce
Mumbai-400 001

Sub- Agitation programme given by the AIPEU Gr ‘C’ Maharashtra Circle

Ref- Your office letter No. O & M/ NFPE/ Gr’C’/ Agitation/2013 dated 21-10-2013

Respected Sir,

           Your kind attention is invited to the discussion held with you on 24-09-2013 on above subject.

            Circle conference of my union had been held from 11-01-2014 to 13-01-2014 at Malegaon and we discussed the minutes received from your office vide letter cited above. The members are not satisfied with the reply given by CO for the reasons noted below.

  1. In respect of Item No. 3, about recovery of CGHS subscription- our demand was the CGHS subscription might be recovered after issue of CGHS Card to the employees. Whereas in Mumbai City North Division, the recovery was made from the officials residing in CGHS covered area from the date of their appointment. No one among them, a member of CGHS and they are not getting CGHS facility till the date of recovery. Hence, it is requested that the amount recovered from such officials should be refunded.
  2. In respect of Item No. 5, target imposed on postal Assistants /Supervisors, it was pointed out by the delegates attended the Circle Conference that the Divisional Heads are still harassing the staff for complition of target. This should be stopped immediately.
  3. In respect of Item no.6, recovery of minus balance - it is brought to the notice of Circle Union that Divisional Heads are directing the subordinate staff for lodging FIR against account holders. Lodging of FIR against account holders is the duty of Divisonal Heads. Similarly, it is found that the notices have been sent to Pensioners threatening as the action under Rule 9 of CCS (CCA) 1965 will be taken against them if they have not made good the amount, without giving proof as how are they only responcible for the mistake and without taking into account the responsibility of SBCO/Inspecting authorities. So it is requested that such type of harassement should be stopped and the Divisional Heads may be directed to try to recover the amount from the account holders only and if they refused to refund it then the action should be taken against all the responsible officials including SBCO staff and inspecting authorities.
  1. In respect of Item No.8, deputation of PAs to other wings/administrative offices – the assurance was given that they will be sent back to their parent Divisions. But I am sorry to say that now the period of more than 3 months has been but no action is appeared to be taken by the Administration and the Head of Divisions are taking more staff on deputation to their offices or deputing them to R.O./C.O. as per the directives of respective higher authorities. This is against the assurances given by you. So, kindly honour your directives.
  2. In respect of Item No.10, adhoc promotion in HSG I - I am sorry to say that in Mumbai Region the Grade Pay of HSG I cadre is still not given to the officials promoted on Adhoc promotion basis in the said cadre. So suitable instructions may be issued to all the concerned.
  3. In respect of Item No.11, conveyance of cash from SO to HO & vis-à-vis - At the time of discussion, it was assured by the Administration that the Armed Security guards will be provided from the Maharashtra Security Force and the case is in process, but in reality till this day no security guards are provided for cash conveyance in Mumbai City North, North-West and North-East Divisions.

It is requested that the assurances given by you may be implemented otherwise, we have no other alternative to resort Trade Union action by short notice.

A line of reply is highly appreciated.

With regards,

                                                                                                              Yours faithfully,

                                                                                                            (Mangesh V. Parab)
                                                                                                               Circle Secretary